The meeting room Brussels is located on the ground floor, has natural daylight and can be darkened. Depending on the decoration and seating plan, the room is ideal for your private function or business event.
With 153 m² the HALOPA room (Havering + Lorient + Pasadena) is our largest meeting room. This spacious room has natural daylight, darkening blinds and standard meeting equipment. Due to its size and the many different combination possibilities, the room can be arranged to suit your individual requirements.
The meeting room Havering is located on the ground floor, has natural daylight and can be darkened. Depending on the decoration and seating plan, the room is ideal for your private function or business event.
The meeting room Lorient is located on the ground floor, has natural daylight and can be darkened. Depending on the decoration and seating plan, the room is ideal for your private function or business event.
The meeting room Pasadena is located on the ground floor, has natural daylight and can be darkened. Depending on the decoration and seating plan, the room is ideal for your private function or business event.